Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Good Day...

April 27th will go down in history as a good day at Ugly Dog's Farm...

It rained most of the day and the mud is rediculous.  But the grass appears to have grown an inch and we have some new additions to report...

Doe Eyes had a beautiful ewe lamb around 11:30 am.  I couldn't get a good picture because this little lamb was immediately on the move.  It is usually day 2 before a lamb is playing and jumping as much as this girl was - I guess she is an over-achiever (I can totally relate)...

Covergirl followed up with a fiesty little girl of her own around 2:20 this afternoon.  This one likes to pose for the camera (again, I can relate)...

And at 4:00 Wayne found that one of the Clun Forest ewes had just finished giving birth to a handsome set of twin boys (once again - handsome, I completely relate!)...

It appears that a few other ewes will soon add to the lamb count...


  1. Congratulations on the new babies. They are beautiful especially Covergirls wee one.
    Great pictures and again congrats on the beautiful day!

  2. Congratulations! I've never raised sheep, but I've rejoiced over many a Polled Hereford calf. (So, I can relate!)

  3. Those babies are sooooo cute!!

  4. Congratulations. Now hopefully the sun will reappear,and dry out the mud.

  5. you must be knackered......
    are u getting any "normal" time out????
