Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lambing Supply Tote...

We have a tote full of lambing supplies that has been sitting on the kitchen table for the last month waiting to be carried to the barn when lambs are born.  This tote just holds some of the standard things we need to process newborns...  emergency supplies stay packed away in the house "just in case".
It felt good to carry the tote to the barn early on Sunday morning when Annie had her lamb...  We really didn't need to use much from it that morning, but it always makes me feel comforted to be prepared for most things.
click to enlarge

  • The kit contains a bottle of Chlorhexidine Solution as well as a plastic cup both of which we use to dip newborn lamb navels and feet to disinfect them. 
  • There is also a tupperware container full of Nutri-drench which is an energy supplement for lambs as well as syringes - great for cold nights and or "slow starting" lambs. 
  • There are copper lamb ear tags and a tagger for permanently identifying lambs...  sometimes it is hard to tell the little ones apart and it is important to keep everybody straight if you want to register them. 
  • There are rubber gloves which come in handy for various "dirty jobs".
  • There is a drench syringe which is handy for drenching ewes and or lambs with various medications or supplements.
  • There is a set of foot trimmers which are great for keeping those hoofs in good shape.
  • There is a container of small rubber bands and a "bander" which are used to band tails.


  1. My kit would have a bottle of gin in it and a Playgirl for something to do while you were waiting for the lamb to pop out.

  2. Hey David, Playboy/girl magazines in the sheep barn sound a bit suspicious. Oops I didn't mean that to sound too naughty.
