Sunday, March 13, 2011

The wait is over...

Lambing has begun!

I woke up at around 2:30 AM this morning and walked down to the kitchen to listen to the baby monitor for a minute and heard the tell-tale "mommy-talk" that always means someone has lambed or is going to lamb very soon.

I quickly threw on some warm clothes and trudged out to the barn to find Annie talking to her brand new baby - here is where it gets good.  We didn't know if Annie carried the recessive black gene...  If she did carry it, there was only a 50% chance that she could have a black lamb when crossed with Panda (who is black)...  so we weren't expecting what we found.
Not only did Annie have a BEAUTIFUL black lamb, but she had a BEAUTIFUL black EWE lamb! 
It certainly doesn't get much better than that...  Panda and Annie did GOOD!
Wayne is a VERY proud grandparent...

Wayne was so happy he gave Annie a hug...


  1. Yeah! Such a beautiful baby. I must say, I'm jealous of that baby monitor thing as I'm walking outside every time I get out of bed to check goats.


  2. Congratulations on your new baby!!

  3. It's so exciting to find a new little one. She looks very healthy----Congrats!!

  4. Congratulations! I agree it just couldn't have gone much better! Cuteness too I tell you just cuteness!

  5. Congratulations on a fine way to start the season!

  6. Congratulations. She's beautiful! Look's like a winner to me.

  7. OMG ... Congratulations guys! You can have no idea how thankful I am that my wonderful Panda bear left you with a keeper coloured ewe lamb!!

    Hmmmm ... makes me wonder if he may be extension dominant (which is not a bad thing at all, for my purposes). We'll find out over the next couple of years as we breed with him here.

    So happy for you both ... but especially for Wayne ... :-)

    Bill ... Panda's adopted Dad ... in Canada

  8. Thank you for sharing this wonderful moment! I so enjoy the pictures. She is a cutie!!

  9. Lovely! We're almost done lambing/kidding.

  10. Congrats! 1 down and how many more to go! Can't wait to see more!

  11. "Having a pet enriches our lives in ways we never could have imagined."
