Monday, January 3, 2011

Wild, Lame, and Full of it...

What wild weather we have had over the last week - the ice I was so worried about never came to fruition...  The temperatures rose very fast (up to the low 50s) and the rain didn't hit us until after most of the snow pack had already melted or turned to slush.  The rain then melted the rest of it over night and our beautiful snow was gone.  All of that worry for nothing.

Even the rain cooperated and stopped in time for most everything to dry out before the temps dipped back down into the 20s on Saturday evening. 

Jasper the old Percheron gelding has come up lame.  There doesn't seem to be any heat in the leg or joints so we're pretty sure it is a bruise on the sole of his foot...  Poor guy - he is getting around good but you can tell he is hurting a bit.  We'll keep an eye on it - he seems a little better today than yesterday.

We're also keeping an eye on the new Cheviot ewes...  They traveled to Michigan in the same trailer with the new little ram and there is a slight chance that he could have bred one or more en route.  It isn't likely - Cheviots are very seasonal breeders and the weather was hot when they were traveling, but we are still watching closely (due date would be around Jan 25).

We have started to get the lambing barn ready for winter lambs...  We had let the Suffolk girls run in the end of the barn when they were separated for breeding and they were kind enough to leave me a pack of manure to clean up.  I am pretty good at shoveling shit - I have been told more than once that I am full of it.


  1. Ooo! Baby lambs! I just love any kind of baby animal, they will be sooo cute!

  2. Sorry to hear about Jasper's foot. Hope he feels better soon. Here in WI we have snow/ice and are in the teens.(Miserable cold) My baby lambs will come in March--when do you expect yours?

  3. Weather forecasters are the only people who are consistently allowed to be wrong... and they usually are. Plus, most of them must be men, since the 8 inches of snow expected usually turns out to be 5

  4. Sounds like things are pretty normal. I've not seen some of my goats in heat for a while, and I'm watching to make sure the little wether didn't get them before I got him.

