Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday in December...

Yesterday was a busy day...  Pam dropped Milton and Norman off around 11:30AM.  They trimed three draft horses, four light horses, put shoes and snow pads on Riot and trimmed all four donkeys and were finished by 2 pm.
Sunday started with Breakfast at Jimmy's Coney Village Cafe in Davison with our friends Mel and Roberta.  After running a few errands, we ended up picking up a truck load of firewood.
When we returned home, we caught the clun ram (X63) breeding the clun ewe lamb (X42) so we should be able to plan for May 1st lambing.  It is amazing what a differance a day makes...  the mud of last week has frozen over, here are the Merinos enjoying their alfalfa hay...
The suffolk girls are into their 2nd breeding cycle with Alexander, our homegrown Border Cheviot ram lamb, and should be ready to go to their new home on the weekend of December 18...
Our 16 Border Cheviots brood ewes were also enjoying their dinner this evening....
Each nighttime feeding ends with the donkeys...  Barney, who is in his thirties or forties gets to take his time eating his grain while I fend off the others.  His blanket seems to keep him warm in the cold weather.

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